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Top jobs in Canada that don’t require LMIA


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If you've beenseeking for work in Canada, you've probably heard that an LMIA is a must.Fortunately for you, obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is theduty of your potential Canadian employer, and not all jobs require one.  Get in touch with ICCRC authorized  PR Visa Consultants at TCWW today!


An LMIA is adocument that demonstrates that there are no suitable candidates in Canada tofill a vacant position. Before offering a job offer to international applicants, the government requires that all openings be published for at least three months. Receiving a positive LMIA implies that there is a Labour shortage in the job market that must be filled by international skilled workers, or the Canadian economy will suffer. 

Most people musthave LMIAs in order to work in Canada, however there are certain exceptions.Take a look at some of the best occupations in Canada that only require aCanadian work visa and could lead to permanent residency! You may take the helpof the best consultancy for Canada PR. 

Jobs that don’t require an LMIA 

1. Experienced healthcare and essential workers 

As Canadacontinues to implement COVID-19 travel limitations on persons travelling forpleasure or for non-essential reasons, the government has announced that six new Canadian permanent residency streams for temporary foreign workers will be available beginning May 6, 2021. This will aid in Canada's economic recovery and successful pandemic response. 

2. Tech professionals 

In Canada, ITworkers are in high demand, especially in areas like British Columbia andOntario, which have Canadian immigration schemes developed specifically to helptech experts discover faster ways to live and work in the country. 

3. Self-employed Graphic designers 

According toStatCan, there were 2.9 million self-employed people in Canada in 2018, withthe majority of them based in British Columbia. 

In today'scontext, an increasing number of people are being forced to adjust to theconsequences of COVID-19 and are being forced to think outside the box in termsof job by giving their services on a freelance basis. Being your own boss has a number of advantages, including more freedom and independence, a better work-life balance, and flexible working hours. 

4. Writers 

Anotheroccupation in need in Canada is experienced writers, who do not necessarilyneed to have an LMIA. The Self-employed visa programme may be right for you if you like to work independently. The BC PNP Tech pilot, on the other hand, maybe your best option if you're searching for a fast-tracked path to permanent residency in Canada. 

Not only willyour visa for Canada be processed in two to three months, but you'll also bebased in one of Canada's most vibrant cities, giving you the opportunity to network with other creatives. Canada immigration consultants in India will always be ICCRCcertified.